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The Department of Comparative Literature supports interested students in studying research-oriented early on. After graduation, there is of course the opportunity of a Ph. D. The a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne is the central point of contact for both research-oriented studies and a subsequent doctorate. You can find further information on the subpages listed here. You can also find information on finding your topic and financing a doctorate.

The Research Groups listed represent some of the main research areas of Comparative Literature in Cologne. While the working group "Serendipitous Trace Reading" ("Serendipitäres Spurenlesen") aims to examine the present relevance of the so-called 'circumstantial paradigm' proposed by the cultural scientist Carlo Ginzburg (*1939) to describe work in the humanities, the "Network Comparative Literature" is dedicated to a contemporary self-determination of our discipline and the "Cologne Mythological Network" to ancient and modern forms of myth and mythology.