On this website you can find current and past events by the Juniorprofessur Comparative Literature as well as events of the UzK and our cooperating departments. The list is being updated regularly.
Information on the courses can be found here.
If you are a Comparative Literature Master's graduate and would like to continue to be informed about events of the Junior Professorship in Comparative Literature, please let us know your new e-mail address.
Past Events
Workshop: Border Fictions - Aesthetics and Pragmatics of Political Borders 30.11.2024
The political border is a mechanism that influences human freedom of movement. At the same time, it means much more in terms of its consequences and genesis: on the one hand, the reality of the political borders of the globalized world and against the backdrop of an increasing planetary awareness may give rise to an almost urgent obligation to regulate human coexistence better than before in accordance with the dictates of morality and law. On the other hand, it is possible to ask in multiple ways what borders and their medial negotiations, in addition to their geographical and institutional reality, express culturally and artistically and to what extent transdisciplinary fictionalizations contribute to their aesthetics and pragmatics. So how do different fictions shape our image of and approach to political borders?
The workshop opened up - beyond the historical, political and economic perspectives that are certainly just as relevant - above all (1) literary, (2) legal and (3) philosophical perspectives on borders and their fictionalization. In addition to the joint text work, there were three lectures on the relationship between borders and fictions. The aim was not to have a comprehensive discussion. Rather, the discourses on the need to regulate the reality of borders on the one hand and their cultural-aesthetic dimensions on the other, which experience has shown to be more than far apart, were brought together to a certain extent.
With contributions by: Dana Bönisch (literary studies), Til Eyinck (philosophy), Max Maydell (law)
Organized by: Til Eyinck, Matthea Huerta Blanquez, Hanna Zehschnetzler
You can find the program here.
7th International Conference of the Word and Music Association Forum: Discipline and Freedom in Music and Literature 04.–06.12.2024
From December 4 to 6 2024, the binational 7th International Conference of the Word and Music Association Forum on Discipline and Freedom in Music and Literature took place at the University of Cologne. It was organized by Jan Czarnecki (Slavic Studies, Cologne) and Ivana Trajanoska (English Language and Literature, Skopje) and comprised seven conference blocks and six concerts.
Details can be found under the following link: https://slavistik.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/wmaf2024.
Auerbach Lecture: Saskia Kroonenberg (Literary Studies, Nijmegen): Walking, World, Literature. On the Relational Dimension of Weltliteratur 08.07.2024, 18h
“Sono io e i miei piedi. Si, i miei piedi…” (It’s me and my feet. Yes, my feet…, 34, translation of my own), Igiaba Scego writes in La mia casa è dove sono (My home is where I am, 2010), about how she feels like a crossroads, defining herself with her feet. To think and write with one’s feet, is the central image of this lecture, in which Saskia Kroonenberg will investigate the relation between written language, bodies, and the world they live on. How does the act of walking relate to literature in times of globalization? What does the literary theme of walking teach us about Welt(-literatur)? Can Weltliteratur perhaps be best understood in terms of walking, writing and earth? In order to answer these questions, she turns to several examples of what might be called Italian postcolonial literature, in which the theme of walking and physical movement is discussed. Moving beyond static notions of language and being, she explores the healing powers of speaking while walking, asking how words can take on new meanings depending on where they are spoken, and by which body.
Language: English
Open Consultation Hours: Doctoral Studies in Comparative Literature 12.12.2023
On Tuesday, 12 December 2023, from 17:45 to 19:15, we offered an open consultation hour on the topic of "Doctoral studies in Comparative Literature". If you are interested in doing a doctorate or have any questions, please feel free to email or talk to us at anytime.
Conference: Translating/Comparing: Conceptions of Comparative Practices (Joachim Harst/Maria Oikonomou) 08.-09.12.2023
Although numerous works in literary and cultural studies aim at the interactions between translatio and comparatio, there is a lack of a concrete, paradigmatic investigation of their manifestations. The workshop "Translating/Comparing: Conceptions of Comparative Practices" on 8 and 9 December at the University of Cologne represented the first part of a double conference on precisely those interactions, which initially concentrates on conceptions of translation: Beyond abstract terminological work, we took a look at procedures of visualising and verbalising in the context of translation.
This includes, on the one hand, the examination of literary representations, which can be seen as a formulation of the images mentioned, and, on the other hand, the examination of "extra-literary", i.e. cultural-historical, philosophical or (visual) media material. Insofar as mental images of translation may also appear as narrative operators in the theorisations of the history of science and technology, historiography, anthropology as well as visual and media art, the comparison of literary and non-literary 'visualisations' should make translation recognisable as a transdisciplinary and transdiscursively effective process.
A second workshop is planned for May 2024 in Thessaloniki, which will conversely look at images and scenes of comparison linked to translation processes. More information and the exact conference programme will follow.
- Maria Oikonomou
- Esther Kilchmann
- Alexandra Rassidiakis
- Ulrich Meurer
- Melanie Strasser
- Caroline Mannweiler
- Georgios Sagriotis
- Caroline Sauter
- Andreas Keller
You can find the programme here.
Language: German
Guest Lecture: "Stranger In My Own Country: Hip Hop, Disenfranchised Identities, and Performances of Resistance" (Prof. Travis Harris, Norfolk State University) 30.11.23, 6 pm
Organised by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Judtih Rauscher (American Literature and Culture) and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Joachim Harst, Prof. Travis Harris (Norfolk State University) gave a Guest Lecture entitled "Stranger In My Own Country: Hip Hop, Disenfranchised Identities, and Performances of Resistance" on Thursday, 30 November 2023, at 6 p.m. in the Philosophikum, Room S93.
This talk will draw out the parallels between minority groups in the US and Germany with a particular focus on those who are Hip Hop. Bringing together performance studies with Hip Hop studies, I will analyze the ways in which disenfranchised peoples perform Hip Hop identities. This particular Hip Hop identity performed is informed by the idea of Hip Hop being a collective consciousness that comes out of a sacrifice. This Hip Hop identity is not one that the Hip Hoppa puts on and takes off, they are Hip Hop all the time. Therefore, this notion of "performance" is not a stage performance, rather, it is how minorities live in the private and public spheres that enables them to resist oppressive forces.
Language: English
Annual Conference of the GRK "anschließen - ausschließen": Sense/Sensing. Knowledge practices in transformation 30.11.23-01.12.23
This year's annual conference of the Research Training Group "anschließen - ausschließen" was dedicated to the topic "Sense/Sensing. Knowledge practices in transformation". It took place on Thursday, 30 November, and Friday, 1 December, in the Alter Senatssaal in the main building of the University of Cologne.
You can find the conference programme here.
Language: German
Workshop: Translating theories of translation (Joachim Harst, Alain Alvarez Vega) 16-17.11.2023
The workshop focused on the topic of translation, which is central to the research training group "anschließen-ausschließen", from a postcolonial and practice-oriented perspective. While translation is commonly understood as a process of bridging or connecting - e.g. a text to a foreign-language cultural space - the opposing thesis has also been put forward that such images of bridge-building first and foremost reinforce the notion of initially separate languages and thus reinforce processes of exclusion (Sakai 2012). Similar lines of conflict can be identified in relation to the fundamental question of the (in)translatability of literature (Apter 2006, Cassin 2004) or in relation to the negotiation of world literature (Damrosch 2003, Apter 2013, Walkowitz 2015). These translation-theoretical considerations take on renewed relevance when thought through against the backdrop of postcolonial power relations and experiences of migration.
The workshop focused on three texts by Jacques Derrida, Hélène Cixous and Barbara Cassin, which discuss problems of translation theory but also play conceptually between languages themselves. The invited speakers have translated these texts into German and have therefore dealt intensively not only with their argumentation but also with their linguistic constitution. They guided the text discussions, but also reported on their experiences in translation and brought these into the joint reflection.
The workshop took place on 16 and 17 November 2023 at Classen-Kappelmann-Str. 24, 50931 Cologne. It was primarily aimed at doctoral students and associated Master's students of the Kolleg, but was also open to advanced Master's students in comparative literature.
- Jacques Derrida, Was ist eine ›relevante Übersetzung‹, in: Esther von der Osten / Caroline Sauter (Hg.), Was ist eine ›relevante‹ Übersetzung? Arbeiten mit Derrida, transcript 2022.
- Hélène Cixous, Algériance. Dekonstruktion des Kolonialen, übersetzt von Esther von der Osten, Passagen-Verlag 2023.
- Barbara Cassin, ›entre‹, in: Dies., Die Unübersetzbaren. Drei Essays, hrsg. von Judith Kasper, übersetzt und supplementiert von Ingo Ebener, Spencer Hawkins, Judith Kasper, Larissa Krampert, Theresa Mayer, Christoph Roeber, Jonathan Schmidt-Dominé, Jana Wilhelm, turia + kant 2023.
- Dr. Caroline Sauter, AVL, University of Frankfurt
- Dr. Esther von der Osten, AVL, FU Berlin
- Larissa Krampert, AVL, University of Frankfurt
You can find the programme here.
Language: German
Talk with Gregor Weichbrodt: "I Don't Know" - on the relation between computer-generated literature and knowledge (Zoom) 04.07.2023, 6 p.m.
Along side Hannes Bajohr, the media artist Gregor Weichbrodt is co-founder of the digital text collective "0x0a". On June 23 he was guest in Prof. Joachim Harst's lecture "Knowledge and Property in the Age of Digitalisation" and talked with us about computer-generated literature, semantic web, the post-digital and more.
The focus was on Weichbrodt's book "I Don't Know" (2015), which is available on his website (gregorweichbrodt.de) and is described as follows: "An algorithm combs through the universe of online encyclopedia Wikipedia and collects its entries. A text is generated in which a narrator denies knowing anything about any of these entries."
Talk with Dr. Hedda Holzhauer: Serendipity in Criminology and Literature/Literary Studies (Frankfurt/Hybrid) 23.06.2023, 2 p.m.
On Friday, 23.6.2023, at 2 p.m., we had an interdisciplinary discussion on the topic of "Serendipity in Criminalistics and Literature/Literary Studies" with Dr. Hedda Holzhauer, who works as a case analyst at the State Office of Criminal Investigation in Rheinland-Pfalz. Ms Holzhauer has written a dissertation on "Criminalistic Serendipity", which is available online:
Against this background, we talked about exciting connections between her subject, her work and our scientific practices.
Language: German
Master's colloquium 22.05./12.06., 6 p.m.
At our two meetings this semester, four students presented their Master's projects:
- Leonie Herberth
- Anna-Lena Guttmann
- Maren Rieger
- Sven Spaltner
XIXth Conference of the German Society for General and Comparative Literature (University of Potsdam) - Panel (Joachim Harst): Writing games between analogue and digital textuality 30.05.-02.06.
The XIXth conference of the German Society for General and Comparative Literature took place from 30 May to 2 June on the Neues Palais campus of the University of Potsdam under the title "Zwischen-Spiele" ("Interludes"):
The interlude is well known as part of aesthetic works. It connects what is formally separate across preserved boundaries and, although often aesthetically underestimated, is indispensable with regard to the structure of the whole. In doing so, the arts draw on a fascinating property of play. Play connects heterogeneous things, things that are alien to one another - without reason, indeed even more, precisely through the absence of any reason.
The conference explored this play of a productive, creative in-between and the questions, whether in this way, the paradigm of comparison, which gives our subject its name and yet is not unproblematic, can be juxtaposed with a somewhat shifted paradigm of entering into contact: A coming into contact that does not come about through an abstract criterion of similarity or comparison, but occurs as an observable play of resonances, of repulsions and attractions that open up a productive in-between, a space of play involving us as recipients.
Our department was represented with a panel on the topic "Schriftspiele zwischen analoger und digitaler Textualität"/"Writing games between analogue and digital textuality" under the direction of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Joachim Harst and with further contributions by Lukas Hermann, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Nantke (Hamburg) and Dr. Martin Bartelmus (Düsseldorf).
The conference programme and further information can be found here: Zwischen-Spiele (zwischenspiele.de)
Language: German
Poetry Reading: Rita Dove (US): A Lifetime of Song 23.05.2023, 6 p.m.
Among other notable awards, the American poet and essayist Rita Dove received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1987, and served as Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 1993 to 1995, andas Poet Laureate of Virginia from 2004 to 2006. Since 1989, she has been teaching at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, where she held the chair of Commonwealth Professor of English from 1993 to 2020; as of 2020 she holds the chair of Henry Hoyns Professor of Creative Writing.
On 23 May 2023 at 6 p.m., Rita Dove presented "A Lifetime of Song" at the University of Cologne, Hörsaalgebäude, Hörsaal C, Albertus-Magnus Platz 1, organised by Prof. Anke Ortlepp, Vice-Dean of International Affairs of the University of Cologne, Viktoria Harbecke, AmerikaHaus NRW e.V. and Jun.-Prof. Judith Rauscher, University of Cologne.
Conference (Joachim Harst/Nursan Celik): Virtual Investigations. On the Revision of the Circumstantial Evidence Paradigm in Law, Literature and the Arts (Münster) 04./05.05.2023
When Ginzburg (1995) stated that the humanities, like crime literature, are founded on the circumstantial evidence paradigm, he had in mind Sherlock Holmes, a detective who personally visited the scene of the crime. Against the background of current developments in research and investigation, however, this must be revised and updated: Computer-assisted search and investigation methods can now supplement or even replace an inspection of the crime scene, an evaluation of positive traces. A shift is therefore emerging in the popular portrayal of modern investigation, replacing the individual investigator with a team of forensic scientists solving cases through digital data processing.
While such investigative practices are associated with positivist claims of knowledge in popular representations, from a scientific perspective it is also necessary to examine their constructivist dimension: Reconstructions, visualisations and simulations produce evidence and, in extreme cases, can produce the traces to be evaluated in the first place. Thus, today's investigative practices bear witness to and engage in a progressive virtualisation of investigative knowledge.
The conference at the University of Münster aimed to examine this virtualisation in the late 20th century. It took place on 4 and 5 May 2023 in the reading room of the library of the Institute of German Studies (Schlossplatz 34, 48143 Münster).
You can find the program here.
Language: German
Lecture and Talk with Prof. Franziska Nori: Activism or Art? (Münster) 04.05.2023, 6:30 p.m.
Investigative art deals critically with the world by making social and political structures visible through in-depth research and imaging processes. It wants to uncover structures of power, explain governmental and economic interests and reveal veiled facts.
Prof. Franziska Nori, director of the Frankfurter Kunstverein, talked to us about this on 4 May at 6:30 pm at the Picasso Art Museum in Münster.
With examples from current international art and with a focus on the exhibition "Three Doors", which the Frankfurter Kunstverein realised with the research agency Forensic Architecture / Forensis e.V., the relatives of the victims of the racist attack in Hanau and the relatives of Oury Jalloh in May 2022, the spectrum of artistic investigative work and its radius of action on society were aimed to be shown.
Language: German
Vocational field: Talk with Marcella Melien (litprom e. V. Frankfurt) 24/01/2022 6 p.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Talk with Marcella Melien from litprom e. V. Frankfurt about career prospects in the field of literature education and cultural management in the context of the lecture “Professional Fields of Ethnology & Islamic Studies: Insights into Professional Practice”; in cooperation with Ethnology and the Oriental Seminar/Languages and Cultures of the Islamic World. All interested students are welcome!
Workshop: Current research projects of the Cologne Mythological Network 20/01/2022, 5.45 p.m. - 7.15 p.m.
A workshop on current research projects of the Cologne Mythological Network will take place on January 20, 2022 from 5:45 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. The program will be announced soon. All interested students are invited. After registration via komparatistik@uni-koeln.de the zoom link will be sent to you.
Guest Lecture: Greta Hawes (Harvard CHS) 16/12/2021 10 a.m.
On December 16, Greta Hawes (Harvard CHS) will give a guest lecture on "Ancient Greek Myth Without Myth-Tellers". The lecture will take place as a virtual event via Zoom. If you are interested, send an email to komparatistik@uni-koeln.de to receive the link. All interested students are very welcome!
Guest Lecture: García Ramón (UCSC Milan) 18/11/2021 5.45 p.m. - 7.15 p.m.
On November 18, from 5.15 p.m. to 7.45 p.m., García Ramón (UCSC Milan) will hold a guest lecture with the title "On God Names in Ancient Greece and Italy: Linguistics, Philology, Comparative Reconstruction". All interested students are welcome. The guest lecture will be held online. You can register by sending an e-mail to and you will receive the zoom link.
The talk will focus on a choice of divine names and epithets used to invoke gods in inscriptions or literary texts, which reveal precious information about the characteristics of the different divine beings and mythological characters and their representations by Greeks and Romans. Cultic and literary epithets of gods reflect different aspects of their divine personality and can show astonishing characteristics, which are highly instructive about their powers. The talk will make the case for the importance of a threefold approach involving Linguistics, Philology, and Comparative Reconstruction for the interpretation of divine onomastics.
Prof. José Luis García Ramón currently teaches at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan), and was previously Professor of Historical Comparative Linguistics at the University of Cologne (until 2015) and Professor of Greek Philology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (until 1995). Among his favorite research topics are Indo-European Reconstruction, Morphosyntax, Etymology, Onomastics, and Poetics, with special focus on Greek, Latin and Italic, Indo-Iranian, and Anatolian.
Reading Detectives – Linguistic and Literary Aspects Thursdays, 5:30 p.m.
Reading Detectives – Linguistic and Literary Aspects
Linguistic and Literary Aspects
On the one hand, detective stories implicitly invite readers to slip into the role of detectives. In particular, they have to gather information step by step, and to gradually find out who is who, although they are often hampered by misleading, false or just missing clues. Linguistic analyses of detective stories and their reading implications consider, for example, the multiple references to the people involved (anaphoric expressions), especially in the short crime stories by Christie, Conan Doyle, and Chesterton. Far from being mechanical and boring, these references provide interesting information not only about the development of the plot, but also about the different perspectives being adopted, and the identity of characters.
On the other hand, detectives themselves can be taken as readers whose work consists in decoding more or less effortful signs. One could ask detectives what is possible to learn from them about the process of reading. In this respect, the role of rhetorical questions for solving cases and the construction of evidence chains could be investigated (see e.g. Carlo Ginzburg’s thesis according to which metonymies and metaphors are to be understood as the basic operations of detective reading). Furthermore, postmodern detective stories from Borges to Auster often inquire about epistemological, theoretical and metaphysical consequences of detective reading.
The colloquium aims at an interdisciplinary epistemological, cognitive, and metatextual dialogue on these themes.
12.11. | Joachim Harst | „A hieroglyphic sense of concealed meaning.“ Zur Philologie der Detektive |
26.11. | Lina Wilhelms | „Eine Erzählung erzählt immer zwei Geschichten.“ – Lektüre als Ermittlungsstrategie in Ricardo Piglias El camino de Ida |
10.12. | Pinelopi Ioannidou und Zala Salarzai | „Detecting and Perceiving Crime Story-Clues: How Annotating Anaphoric Expressions Changes the Experience of Reading” |
07.01. | Matthias Beckonert | Verschieben, Verdichten: Aphasie und Paranoia als Schreib- und Erkenntnismodell bei Wolf Haas und Thomas Pynchon |
21.01. | Anna Bonifazi | Detecting Characters’ Traits Incrementally: Words, Perspective, and Narrative Structure in Short Crime Stories |
04.02. | Rebecca Seewald | Akademie und Gewalt: Ricardo Piglia |
Lecture Series as part of the Morphomata Lectures Cologne mondays, 6 p.m.
Lecture Series as part of the Morphomata Lectures Cologne
As part of the MLC, the Morphomata Center for Advanced Studies and the Juniorprofessur for Comparative Literature invites listeners to a dialogue between scholars of literary and other human studies concerning „praxeology and comparative studies“. The Lectures take into account different praxeological approaches from a comparative perspective while simultaneously asking to what extend comparing itself can be understood as a practice.
From a praxeological perspective, what approaches are suitable to map creative processes? In what way are the creativity of the individual and social structures engaging with each other? How are artistic practices related to other forms of production and action? How is the often times subordinate operation of comparing related to productivity and creativity? Which creative practices can be perceived as historically or structurally fundamental to Comparative Literature?
Colloquium - Ancient Myths in Modern Art
Colloquium im WS 19/20
Ancient Myths in Modern Art:
Comparative Perspectives on Micro and Macro Structures
Donnerstags 17:45 - 19:15 Uhr
Classen-Kappelmann-Str. 24, Raum 3.03
Anna Bonifazi/Joachim Harst
Ancient myths are omnipresent in 20th and 21st century literature and art. In this colloquium scholars from comparative literature and linguistics as well as from related disciplines will present their research on the subject. Both myths in ancient cultures and the history of their reception in the arts will be addressed. In addition to the detailed analysis of individual myths (e.g. the hero's return home), the comparative examination of mythical figures and their reception (e.g. Orpheus) as well as the macrostructural view of Indo-European mythology will be discussed. Students can take this opportunity to present and discuss their own research projects within the (broad) framework of myth reception.
Introduction/preparatory text reading/discussion
31.10. - Anna Bonifazi
The Myth of Orpheus in Claudio Monteverdi's opera Orfeo
07.11. - Joachim Harst
Odysseus' Heimkehr und das Ende der Odyssee in Homer, Dante und Borges
14.11. - Elio Antonucci
Expressive Symbolism in Ernst Cassirer's Conception of Myth
28.11. - Antonella Lipscomb
The Myth of Orpheus and the Phoenix in Jean Cocteau's Cinematography
05.12. - Riccardo Ginevra
Comparative Perspectives on Ancient Indo-European Myths and Modern Folktales
12.12. - Penelope Kolovou
Mapping Otherworlds from Homer's nekuia to Leopardi's Visions of Infinite Love and S. Armitage's Capitalistic Poundland
19.12. - Giulia Sperduti
Classical Myths in Modern Afro-American Literatur
09.01. - Gabriele Schimmenti
Antigone after Antigone? A Guide to Collide Better
16.01. - Maja Tschumi
Der Hexer (2016)
23.01. - Daniel Kölligan
Io, Mary, and the Ear: Myths of Conception in Greek and Biblical Tradition
World-famous, but unread? – An Evening with Ulf Stolterfoht 21.01.2021
Weltbekannt, doch ungelesen?
Biblisch-hebräische Poesie zwischen Kunst und Wahrheit
Köln | 21. Januar 2021, 19.30h | Literaturhaus Köln
Link zur Veranstaltung | Eintritt kostenlos
Mit Ulf Stolterfoht
Moderation: Gundula Schiffer
Die Bibel ist das meist übersetzte Buch der Welt. Dennoch sind die großen Texte vielen Menschen unbekannt, die Lektüre der traditionsschweren Schrift erscheint oft mühsam und wenig zugänglich. Was aber, wenn man die Bibel einmal verstärkt aus literarischer Perspektive betrachtet und weniger als historisches oder theologisches Dokument? Gundula Schiffer und Ulf Stolterfoht gehen dieser Frage am Beispiel biblischer Lyrik nach.
Ulf Stolterfoht, geboren 1963, lebt in Berlin. Als Lyriker und Übersetzer ist er Mitglied der Lyrikknappschaft Schöneberg, des Impro-Kollektivs DAS WEIBCHEN sowie der Berliner und der Darmstädter Akademie. Von 2015 bis 2020 betrieb er den Lyrikverlag Brueterich Press. Zuletzt veröffentlichte er Methodenmann vs. Grubenzwang und mündelsichre Rübsal (UV Winter 2019) und fachsprachen XLVI‒LIV (kookbooks 2020).
Gundula Schiffer, geboren 1980, lebt in Köln. Sie ist Dichterin und Übersetzerin, hat zur Poesie der Psalmen promoviert, schreibt Lyrik auf Deutsch und Hebräisch und überträgt sich selbst ins Deutsche. Zuletzt erschien die Anthologie Was es bedeuten soll. Neue hebräische Dichtung in Deutschland (parasitenpresse 2019, hg. u. übers. mit Adrian Kasnitz). Derzeit arbeitet sie an ihrem zweiten Lyrikband Hioba Hymore.
Eine Veranstaltung der Weltlesebühne e.V. in Kooperation mit der Juniorprofessur Komparatistik der Universität zu Köln und dem Literaturhaus Köln.
Guest Lecture: Erika Weiberg (Duke) 02.12.20
02.12.2020 | 18:00 Uhr über Zoom
Im Rahmen des Cologne Mythological Network wird Erika Weiberg (Duke University) einen Gastvortrag halten.
The Writing on the Mind:
Deianeira’s Trauma in Sophocles’ Women of Trachis
Almost every Greek tragedy features a wound. Oedipus’ gouged-out eyes are among the most memorable, but there are many other varieties: combat wounds, animal bites, and even emotional wounds. This last type of trauma dominates the events of Sophocles’ Women of Trachis, which dramatizes the connection between Deianeira’s emotional pain and the physical pain of her husband, Heracles. Over the course of the play, Deianeira narrates the chronic pain and anxiety she feels during Heracles’ cyclical absences, as well as a past incident of sexual violence that continues to affect her even many years later. Drawing on modern trauma research, this talk argues that Sophocles’ Women of Trachis depicts the struggle of putting words to these types of emotional wounds.
Workshop – Discovery and Knowledge of the World 23.-24.11.20
Workshop – Discovery and Knowledge of the World
Comparative Literature as an academic discipline is notoriously underdetermined. Disagreement concerning its object of study as well as its method accompanies Comparative Literature since its institutionalisation as an academic field of study in the 19th century. Explaining the origin of comparative studies with an ‚episteme of comparison‘ (Eggers 2016) means to vote for a structural approach and the historical understanding of comparison as an objectifying and systematizing method. Today, however, comparison as a method is criticised – especially from a postcolonial standpoint (cf. Felski/Friedmann 2013). Furthermore, Comparative Literature today can hardly be brought in line with the positivistic approaches of the Comparative Literary History, out of which it developed. In order to not abandon the notion of comparison, Comparative Literature has to be conceived in a new way. The workshop thus asks for comparative practices, which were already implemented before respectively during the establishment of a ‚comparative‘ episteme, and focuses especially on voyages of world discovery in the 18th and 19th century.
18:00 Uhr | Walter Erhart
Die Geschichte der Weltreisen und die Last des Vergleichens. Praktiken der Globalisierung im 19. Jahrhundert.
9:15 Uhr | Willkommen und Einführung
9:30 Uhr | Angus Nicholls
The Comparative Method in Oxford Around 1870: Max Müller, Edward Augustus Freeman, Edward Burnett Tylor
10:30 Uhr | Dorit Müller
Komparatistische Praxis auf Expeditionsreisen (Ende 18. Jhdt.): Georg Wilhelm Steller und Adelbert Chamisso
11:30 Uhr | Monika Sproll
Sehen, was sich zeigt. Chamissos "Theater der Natur"
16:00 Uhr | Reinhard Möller
Impulsvortrag zu Georg Forster
17:00 Uhr | Michael Eggers
Sammeln vs. Ordnen. Einige Gedanken zur Genese von Carl von Linnés Natursystem anhand seiner Reiseberichte
Guest Lecture: Maria Oikonomou (Thessaloniki) 02.07.2020
Im Rahmen der Vorlesung "Einführung in die Komparatistik 2" hält Maria Oikonomou (Komparatistik, Thessaloniki) am 02.07.2020 einen Gastvortrag zu "Migrant/Revenant: Vampirische Rückkehr in der Literatur".
Workshop: Comparison - Translation - World Literature. Comparative Practices in Discussion 14 & 15/02/2020
On 14 and 15 February 2020, the workshop "Comparison - Translation - World Literature. Comparative Practices in Discussion" took place in Bern, organised by Melanie Rohner, Alena Heinritz and Joachim Harst.
An Afternoon with Patricio Pron 30.01.2020
Lesung und Gespräch mit Patricio Pron
30.01.2020, 17:15h
Raum 3.03, Classen-Kappelmann-Str. 24
Patricio Pron, Henriette Terpe und Studierende lesen aus der Erzählung Un divorcio de 1974 und ihrer deutschen Übersetzung, die im Rahmen eines Seminars angefertigt wurde. Anschließend sprechen sie mit dem Publikum über konkrete und allgemeinere Fragen der Übersetzung.
Patricio Pron wurde für sein literarisches Werk mehrfach ausgezeichnet. Zudem arbeitet er als literarischer Übersetzer und Literaturkritiker.
Das Gespräch wird auf deutsch geführt.
Guest Lecture: Linda Simonis (Bielefeld) 07.01.2020
07. Januar 2020, 19:30 Uhr
Raum 3.03, Classen-Kappelmann-Str. 24
Prof. Dr. Linda Simonis wird im Rahmen der Beiratssitzung einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "Politische Epigraphik. Inschriften als Medien des Regierens und Administrierens" halten. Alle Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen.
Fernanda Melchor talks with Juliána Kalnay 05.12.2019
05. Dezember 2019, 16:00 - 17:30 Uhr
Classen-Kappelmann-Str. 24, Raum 3.03
Gespräch zwischen den Autorinnen Juliána Kalnay und Fernanda Melchor über den Roman Saison der Wirbelstürme (dt. 2019), den internationalen Literaturbetrieb und die kulturpolitische Bedeutung von Literaturpreisen.
Ferananda Melchor hat für ihren Roman den Internationalen Literaturpreis des HKW und den Anna-Seghers-Preis erhalten. Das Gespräch wird auf spanisch mit deutscher Übersetzung geführt.
Workshop on Geoliterary and Comparative Studies 22.11.2019
Geoliterarische Komparatistik-Werkstatt
22. November 2019, 12:30-18:30 Uhr
Raum 0.012 im Philosophikum (Abt. für Iber. und Lateinam. Geschichte)
Die Geopoetik Kenneth Whites erweist sich als eine Methode (methodos gr. = Weg) des intelligenten und kreativen Verhältnisses zwischen dem Menschen und der Erde. Diese wird als universale verbindende Größe angesehen. Die Geopoetik orientiert sich am grenzfreien, offenen Raum und versteht sich als ein präsentischer und zukunftsbezogener Modus von Kultur. In Bezug auf Poesie und Prosa schließt der Vollzug von Geopoetik auch ihre kritische Dimension ein, d. h. ihre Relationierung in Hinblick auf Geopoetiken avant la lettre sowie auf ethische Prinzipien der Geopoetik. Die erste Tagung der geoliterarischen Werkstatt, ausgerichtet an der Universität zu Köln, wird aus komparatistischer Perspektive den Grundlagen der Geopoetik ebenso nachgehen wie der Verortung der géopoétique in der aktuellen literarischen Raumforschung und der speziellen Analyse von geologischen Verdichtungen.
12:30-13:00 Uhr
Einführung (Bauer, Grimm)
13:00-14:00 Uhr
Angela Lotz (M.A., Wales): Grammatik der Dinge, Poetik der Welt - Der Ausdruck der Erde in Kenneth Whites geopoetischer Literatur + Diskussion
14:00-15:00 Uhr
Claudia Grimm (M.A., Köln): Dichte Sichtung: Berg, Stein und Mineral in Kenneth Whites Geopoetik + Diskussion
15:00-15:30 Uhr
15:30-16:30 Uhr
Dr. Erika Schellenberger (Marburg): Peter Kurzeck und die romantische Heimwegsuche in der Gegenwartsliteratur + Diskussion
16:30-17:30 Uhr
Dr. Dana Bönisch (Bonn): Geopoetik als Ethopoetik? Topologisches Erzählen im Kontext globaler Konflikte + Diskussion
17:30-18:30 Uhr
Dr. Sidona Bauer (Köln): Das Werk George Sands, La Filleule (1853) im Licht von Geopoetik und literarischer Geographie + Diskussion
Organisation: Dr. Sidona Bauer, Claudia Grimm, Juniorpro. Joachim Harst I Romanisches Seminar und Komparatistik