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The current student committee consists of...

Rahel Jendges

BA in... German and Comparative Literature (major) and Psychology (minor) at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Currently studying... MA Comparative Literatur

Research Interests: (Early German) Romanticism, Literature and Mathematics, Theory of Comparative Literature

Anton Vogt

BA in... German Studies and Philosophy 

Currently studying... 2-subject-MA Comparative Literature and German Studies

Research Interests: Theory of the Novel, Literature and Philosophy, Literature of the 19th Century

Mona Simon

BA in... English and Oriental Studies at the WWU Münster

Currently studying... 2-subject-MA Comparative Literature and "SKIW"

Research Interests: Gender Studies, Masculinity Studies, Postcolonial Studies 

Benedikt Backes

BA in... English and Media Culture Studies

Currently studying... 2-subject-MA Comparative Literature and English Studies

Research interests: Narratology, Postmodern Literature

Carlotta Rust

BA in... German Studies and History at the Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Currently studying... 2-subject-MA Comparative Literature and German Studies

Research Interests: Modern German Literature, Gender Studies, Field letters
